In this article, we will learn ‘Steps To Follow To Get The Coveted Blue Checkmark On Instagram Verified Accounts’. Creating an Instagram account may be easy but it is not easy to make it an effective account until and unless you get that much-coveted blue checkmark in your account. Though Instagram wants and is now allowing all its users to apply for authentication on the app, most people do not know how to get it.
When you follow the social media users you will see that most of the Instagram accounts come with a blue checkmark. This is the authentication mark of the account that in turn helps in gaining more Instagram followers. These accounts that have a checkmark on them are now the envy of many that do not have it on their account. This is because most people do not know how to get it in their Instagram account.
However, this is one of the latest update of Instagram: the ability to apply for authentication from it.

Steps To Follow To Get The Coveted Blue Checkmark On Instagram Verified Accounts:
The verified badge
Instagram founders namely, Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger launched this photosharing app and have been growing in popularity since it was acquired by Facebook in 2010.
- As you know Instagram has been continuously evolving since then to make it a better platform as if it was not enough to have near a billion active monthly users, showing no signs of complacency.
- For over years, this platform is used both by individual followers as well as different businesses to create better brand awareness among the consumers.
There are lots of instances that show that most of the major brands all over the world compete with each other to establish their brands with the hope to get enough clout not only for their business benefits but also to get the most sought-after blue checkmark.
Though it was a bit difficult to get it as everything was virtually in the hands of Instagram itself but things have changed now once Instagram has announced that users can now apply for this blue checkmark for their accounts.
- This means users can now take matters in their own hands and apply for a badge.
- It also means that users do not have to wait now on the site hoping that they are deemed worthy to be considered as a true Instagrammer.
However, the social media site has not specifically and clearly made any list of criteria that it will consider as useful metrics for judging the authenticity of any Instagram account or for reviewing any application of the users wanting that blue checkmark. It is this specific fact that has made matters a bit complicated and apprehensive.
Steps to apply
The need for the blue check is now more wanted by the users after the Facebook data scandal and Instagram has been quick enough to clamp down on apps amidst it. This blue check or the verified badge appears next to the name of the Instagram account holder that a user searches for. It also appears on the profile of the account holder.
This blue check signifies that the account is verified and is a confirmation that the account belongs to the holder. This implies the genuine presence of the celebrity, or a public figure, and even a global brand that the account represents.
If you want it in your account but belong to a large number of users who still do not know how to get a blue check on Instagram, here are a few easy steps to follow when you apply for it.
- First, you will need to login into your Instagram account, go to the profile, and then click on the three lines bar that appears on the right-hand top corner.
- Next up, you must go to the Settings option that appears at the bottom of your screen and then click on it.
- When the drop-down menu appears, you must now scroll down and click on the Request Verification bar.
- Finally, nearing the end of the process, you will be presented with a form of ID that you will need to submit. Make sure that you enter your full name and attach an authentic photo IDwith it and submit. The ID should be anything that is issued by the government such as a passport or a driver’s license.
Your application for Instagram account verification is completed. However, during the process, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind.
- Please note that your username of the Instagram account is automatically be filled in provided you are not logged into any different account.
- You must also remember that submitting your application requesting verification of your Instagram account does not guarantee that it will be verified even if your application is complete in all respects and you have attached a valid photo ID with it.
However, you have the guarantee that you will be duly informed by Instagram whether your application for verification was denied or accepted. If you are lucky enough to have your application for verification accepted by Instagram then that elusive blue checkmark will soon appear on your account and profile.
All these times, this blue checkmark was a privilege to the celebrities and was elusive for the common users but Instagram has made things a bit easy now for everyone.
- Twitter, on the other hand, had allowed such verification of profiles for its users but their process has been put on hold for quite some time for reviewing, and eventually it was suspended. To date, there has been no news of its revival from Twitter.
- Instagram on the other hand, has been now giving it a try with this photosharing app recently announcing a series of updates all aimed to keep all Instagram accounts safe.
Also Read – Instagram Hacks for Your Travel Website and Tour Business
Need any more reason for the popularity of Instagram over Twitter and Facebook?
However, there is one more thing that you should keep in mind if you are looking for that blue checkmark. It is that this benefit is not available to those accounts that are set as private. That’s all, In this article, we have explained Steps To Follow To Get The Coveted Blue Checkmark On Instagram Verified Accounts. I hope you enjoy this article. If you like this article, then just share it. If you have any questions about this article, please comment.