Nowadays, there is a lot of Internet usage on mobile phones. Even though you have many internet companies offering mobile data offers, even if you do not have data, Google has launched ‘Datally Mobile Data Saving WiFi App’. It has been Launched on November 29, 2017. In this app, you can manage the data and understand which data is in use. Up to 30% of mobile data is saved through this app. It takes too much data to watch a video or movie so that the nearby Wi-Fi network can connect to this app. This app helps you to save data so you can not afford expensive mobile data packages.

Follow the below steps to Setup Datally Mobile Data Saving WiFi App:
Download and Install App:
To install this app, you must have Android version 5.0 and above on your mobile. So far, this app downloaded 1,000,000 – 5,000,000 people and you downloaded it and saved the data. To download an app, go to the google play store and download it.

Open App and Allow Permissions:
Now you can open the installed App and give it some permissions so that it will help you save a lot of data from mobile data. Those amps give the following permissions.
Mobile data is tracked after giving permission to phone, location, SMS, and VPN options.
Phone- Mobile data remains in control.
Location – find a Wi-Fi network around.
SMS- gets information through many good SMS through this.
VPN- unwanted data is binding on.
Open Usage Access:
- Click on Open Usage Access.
- Confirm the confirmation by clicking on yes.
Set up Data Saver:
Set up Data Saver In this window you set up Data Saving. Here you can see how much data is used, and you can see how much data an app is using.

Also Read- Useful Android Mobile Security Tips and Tricks User Need to know.
That’s all, In this article, we have explained Useful How to Setup Datally Mobile Data Saving WiFi App. I hope you enjoy this article. If you like this article, then just share it. If you have any questions about this article, please comment.