This eBook is one of the best ebooks for Linux beginners who just started to learn Linux. The author of this book Mr. JASON CANNON written the chapters in such a way that you can easily understand each and every command and really helpful. This book comes with 212 Pages and categorized all topics in 5 days and Actually, you can learn the basics of Linux in these five days if you follow the book. ELinuxBook makes available this book to you for completely Free. Then what are you waiting for, Just Follow the below download link and make this eBook yours and start learning Linux today?

In this book you will found to learn below topics and commands :
DAY: 1
- Welcome to Shell
DAY: 2
- Linux Directory Structure
- Basic Linux Commands
- Teach Yourself to Fish
- Working with Directories
- Listing Files and Understanding ls Output
DAY: 3
- File and Directory Permissions Explained
- Finding Files
- Viewing and Editing Files
- Comparing Files
- Determining a File’s Type
- Searching in Files
DAY: 4
- Deleting, Copying, Moving, and Renaming Files
- Sorting Data
- Creating a Collection of Files
- Compressing Files To Save Space
- Compressing Archives
- Redirection
- Transferring and Copying Files
- Welcome Back to Shell
DAY: 5
- Processes and Job Control
- Scheduling Repeated Jobs with Cron
- Switching Users and Running Commands as Others
- Installing Software
Note: To download this nice eBook for FREE you have to complete a one-time registration process i.e You have to enter your information like Your Name, Email ID, and so on and all your Information is Safe. After completing the one-time registration process lifetime you can download any eBook from our website for free and also we will notify you from time to time regarding any new book releases and articles. So download the eBook and start Learning Linux from the basics.