Windows 10 operating system is Microsoft’s latest version. Now all users use the Windows 10 operating system because it is very safe. There are monthly security updates in Windows 10. To change the look of your windows 10 pc, we will see some of the ‘Best Windows 10 Themes’. If you are using a Windows 10 operating system in PC, you can download and use Free Windows 10 Themes. Due to some new themes from Windows 10, you can change the look of your PC. If the look of your PC is attractive then the mood to work is freshened.

Best Windows 10 Themes Free Download:
So let’s look at what are the best Windows 10 Themes. Download and try the theme you like.
1)Hover Dark Aero Theme:
Hover Dark Aero Theme is the dark black theme. Before installing this theme, install UXThemePatcher and then install Hover Dark Aero Theme. If Steps are needed when installing the theme, read ‘Read Me.txt‘ by opening this file. After downloading the theme, copy the file and paste it into “%windir%/Resources/Themes” path. Now open the personalize panel and apply the Hover Dark Aero theme.

The MacDock theme makes you feel like using a macbook. The look of the macdock theme is just like the macos. This theme is smoothly animated and is an alpha blended application launcher. There is a good interface provide in this. The theme supports ‘Windows 10’ along with windows 8 and 7 support. There are many good features in this theme. This theme is available in Dark, Light, Glass and Black Skin. the macDock theme has the same features as a Simple drag-n-drop interface. Mouse over features like auto-hide and popup.

3)3D Theme:
The 3D Theme is available in ThemePack and contains 17 high-definition wallpapers, and the wallpapers look like the 3D graphic. After downloading the 3D theme, please paste it into the ‘%windir%/Resources/Themes‘ path. This Windows 10 Themes used 17 images at a time. Change the desktop background by right-clicking on the desktop. These themes support Windows 10, 8 and 7.

4)ReGe Special:
ReGe special theme is in red, green, gold, silver, and white in five colors. UXThemePatcher needs to be installed before applying ReGe Special Theme.

5)GreyEve Theme:
GreyEve Theme is very dark and its look is pretty cool. After downloading this theme, paste the below path into it.
Now apply the GreyEve theme in the Personalization setting.
That’s all, In this article, we have explained Best Windows 10 Themes Free Download. I hope you enjoy this article. If you like this article, then just share it. If you have any questions about this article, please comment.